Kaiwen Leong

I am a public economist focused on crime. I am interested in how microeconomics can provide insight into the choices of participants in criminal markets. I am keen in both because I believe criminal markets are attractive to economics. After all, they operate without legal contract enforcement and because these studies can lead to better public policies to address crime. More importantly, I firmly believe that other than punishing criminals and deterring them, there are other plausible alternatives to reduce crime. In particular, the rehabilitation and reforming of current criminals require understanding their motivations to participate in these markets.

My research is Singapore-focused, and I have built a series of work focusing on the underground economy in Singapore, which mainly spans the commercial sex market, unlicensed money lending market, and illicit drug market gangs. In addition, I am currently working with Singapore Prison Services to develop an incentive scheme to help reduce the offense rate inside the youth prisons. Because we can access these data in Singapore, it is an ideal country for us to study. Finally, Singapore's adherence to the rule of law and intolerance towards crime makes it an ideal country to study because I do not have to worry about corruption when studying enforcement's effects on any illegal market.

  Curriculum Vitae


48 Nanyang Ave, Singapore 639818


  • Teacher Team-Based Incentives: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in a Middle School
    with Huailu Li, Dan Li and Yuchen Xie
    Singapore Economic Review,2021

  • Does competition eliminate discrimination? Evidence from the commercial sex market in Singapore
    with Huailu Li and Kevin Lang
    The Economic Journal,2018

  • Behavioral economics of crime rates and punishment levels
    with Saori Chiba
    Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics,2016

  • An example of conflicts of interest as pandering disincentives
    with Saori Chiba
    Economics letters,2015

  • Superaccurate finite element eigenvalues via a Rayleigh quotient correction
    with Issac Fried
    Journal of sound and vibration,2005

  • Law Enforcement and Bargaining over Illicit Drug Prices: Structural Evidence from a Gang’s Ledger
    with Huailu Li, Marc Rysman and Christopher Walsh
    Journal of the European Economic Association, 2021

Revise and Resubmit

  • Lending to the Unbanked: Relational Contracting with Loan Sharks
    with Kevin Lang, Huailu Li and Haibo Xu
    Review of Economics and Statistics

  • China's Unlicensed Moneylending Markets: Relational Contracting between Borrowers and Lenders
    with Huailu Li, and Haibo Xu
    Singapore Economic Review

Under Review

  • Influencing Youth Offenders: How Social Status Affects Cheating in Youth Corrections
    with Huailu Li and Xuejing Zuo

  • Cheap Talk With Outside Options: A lab experiment
    with Huailu Li, Dan Li and Haibo Xu

Working Papers

  • Borrower Welfare in Loan Sharks Markets
    with Huailu Li, Nicola Pavanini and Christopher Walsh

  • Government Digitalization of Personal Information and Loan Sharks
    with Huailu Li, Nicola Pavanini and Christopher Walsh

  • Peer Effect and Misconduct in Youth Correction
    with Huailu Li

  • Law Enforcement and the Unbanked in China
    with Huailu Li, Dan Li and Haibo Xu

  • Scarcity and Cognitive Functioning: Evidence from the Unbanked
    with Lipeng Chen and Huailu Li

  • Hail Mary of Crime
    with Kevin Lang, Huailu Li and Haibo Xu

Current Teaching 2020/2021

  • HE3024 Introduction to Applied Economic Policy Research
  • HE3002 Game Theory & Applications To Social Sciences
  • HE8221 Applied Financial Economics

Previous Teaching

  • HE9092 Economics Theory
  • HE9091 Principle of Economics
  • HE1005 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
  • HE3016 Introduction to Math Finance
  • HE3024 Introduction to Applied Economic Policy Research.
  • HE2001 Intermediate Microeconomics